Tuesday Tunes: July 30

This Tuesday’s tunes are just as thought provoking as they are bop-provoking. Allow them to speak to you as a brief reprieve from the summer's busy bustle. Close your eyes and feel the vibe. 

“Keeping Tabs” is one of the greatest songs on Cuco’s new project, Para Mi. The artist combines his bread and butter, relatable lyrics (half goofy, half melancholic), with a wavey psychedelic pop instrumental that blew my mind as well as my ear holes. This track, like the rest of the album, is an exciting addition to Cuco’s deep and widely obsessed-over repertoire. “Keeping Tabs” will stun new listeners and longtime fans alike. 

The 1975’s new self-titled song, “The 1975”, is something different. The track is comprised of a beautifully expressed monologue and a subtle amalgamation of ethereal melodies. The end result is reminiscent of Pink Floyd’s abstract use of sound as well as their ability to express substantive messages to the listener. This song may not be danceable, but it will etch itself into your mind if you are willing to be moved by its meaning.