Clarence James: Not Just Anyone

Clarence James, one of the newest crooners on the Austin scene, released “Not Just Anyone” today ahead of his full length project Fucked Me Up, coming to ears near you late summer 2020. This is for you and you (and you, we see you) to listen to. You know - separately, together. In the artist’s words, “It’s just a love song.”

The song drips of tender guitar tones, vulnerable falsetto, and love. It’s also unmistakably Clarence James, an impressive achievement for an artist who just started performing last year. 

We caught up (Zoom-style) with Clarence and his manager, Sofar Sounds City Director and DRUNKLUCK Records head honcho Steven Cantu, to talk about upcoming releases, the ghost of SXSW, and the current state of mUSic in our isolation.

not just anyone a .jpg

Check out a quick taste of the interview below and listen to “Not Just Anyone” out now on all your favorite platforms. We’ll give you more from Clarence and Steven next week.

On Ronson Princess..

Clarence: This one’s nostalgic. It’s about riding around in the car with the boys in High School. It’s a time everyone can relate to, but a specific time for everybody too. 

On music recently..

Clarence: So.. working on Fucked Me Up. I’ve been playing a lot with Xaviyer. This dude is crazy talented, like on another level. You gotta check him out. We just really connect on the same level when we play together.  (more on Fucked Me Up next week)


Steven: DRUNKLUCK has always been about bringing people together. That’s more important right now than ever, and we’ll continue to find ways to do that through music. 

To be continued..