Reinventing Alternative Grunge Garage Pop Synth Rock … or Whatever That Music Is

Here’s the thing … we stan new wave rock, especially when spearheaded by people of color. Hello Yello flies at the forefront of the plunge into the sound of a new decade. Lead by lead-singer/guitarist Dylan Wiggins, the Oakland trio (also comprised of bassist Jaden Wiggins and drummer Martin Rodrigues) breathes new life into the ever-evolving genre of alternative rock. 

Currently supporting Clairo on her Immunity Tour, rock band Hello Yello brings a jarring, supersonic burst to the start of the entire show experience. No, seriously. The group transforms the space from an empty stage and the subtle rumblings of concert-goers, jolting it into the sweltering screams that erupt from Dylan’s voice as the band leads in with the words “R.I.P. MY SINS” from their song “Sins”. It’s enough to wake any soul from its slumber. But let’s not create a box; as quickly as the group can bring you to life with their heavy toned riffs, they flip the switch to a world you never knew existed. 

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After head-banging their way through the first track (Rodrigues literally shattering the fourth wall with the reverb from his drum kit), the band sends the chilling waves of a psychedelic “Feel That Again” coursing through your veins. Pairing the synth-style sounds of Frank Ocean’s Nostalgia Ultra with the vocals of a Freudian Daniel Caesar, Hello Yello succeeds at keeping the crowd on their toes from first measure to final note. I mean honestly, when was the last time you heard what felt like three different bands during one set? The experience is almost numbing, but in the way cool Vicks rub sits on your chest when you’re sick and teaches you to breathe again. At this point, Hello Yello can only be considered medicinal. 

Though they’ve only just released their first EP, “Love Wins,” in the early months of 2019, the group has already created a niche where their creations can both swell and soar. Following suit, the trio put out a two-track project titled “My Life as a Teenage Robot” shortly after their Emo’s show last week, giving life to those intoxicatingly vibrant sounds that manifest the intrigue behind each project they release. It’s quite refreshing, truth be told, to be approached by a sound that is neither consistent nor erratic, but rather evolving constantly. 

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More importantly, two Black brothers and a Latino drummer revitalizing the sounds of rock styles, which are typically  fronted by and fostered in predominantly white spaces, places the spotlight on CHANGE. Yes, I said it. It’s that frame-splintering knock at the past’s door demanding that new life enter. Well, it’s here. No, literally - click this link… prepare to barge in.