FAGedelics: L.A.Y/L.A.M
FAGedelics have a message for anybody struggling with identity: “Do what you want, say what you want, wear what you want, don’t be scared though!” The rap duo out of Dallas lives out their montra, challenging conservative and homophobic principles in their home state and chosen profession. Through their lyrics, wardrobe, and presentation, DavidaV and Yhen are flying in the face of traditional Texas and rap standards and inspiring their in their communities in fabulous fashion along the way.
After a summer battling injury, the two MCs are back on the move with their new single LAYLAM. We caught up with them to talk their bombastic name, one-of-a-kind outfits, and their mission to improve their community.
DavidaV (left) and Yhen (right) are FAGedelics.
CC: Where are y’all from?
D: Dallas
Y: Born in Houston then moved to Dallas. It’s all Texas love!
CC: When did y’all start rapping?
Y: I started rapping in High School.
D: I started rapping in ‘07. I wrote my first song when I was with my ex. When I showed him he was like, “That’s stupid,” so I stopped. Then when we broke up I started again. I started rapping with Yhen maybe two years ago and here we are.
CC: I love y’all’s expression, Be what you want...Don’t be scared though.” I see it on y’all’s page and hear you say it on “Pathetic” after the intro where the girl berates y’all for being gay.Tell me about your message and why you included that intro.
D: Texas is still a very conservative state. We get “ew” and “faggot” all the time but we don’t let it get to us. We want you not to let it get to you.
Y: It doesn’t matter if people bash you and call you faggots. There’s too many people in the world to care about what the next person thinks. We don’t want anybody to see our bad side or let them get the best of us. That’s why when they bash us and call us faggots and ill for wearing makeup, we say, “Thank you! Thank you!” It doesn’t bother us, it bothers you.
Like the other day at Asian Doll’s video shoot, we were all dressed up and this 9 y/o girl started cursing at Davida and bullying him for the way he was dressed . She was like, “You’re not a girl, faggot.” She was 9. Her older brother came over and stopped her and said, “Gay means happy,” and defended Davida.
D: Yea it’s important to set a good example. This [Dallas] Pride was our first time performing and we found out we were in the teen section. They need someone to look up to so they’re not afraid to be themselves! A lot of them DM’d us after the show thanking us for the inspiration.
FAGedelics are here to change things.
CC: I hear Yhen makes his own clothes.
Y: Yea I just started making hats and customizing clothes. I make them (and us) stand out. I’ll customize Davida’s platforms or some outfits. The ring hat is my signature piece, I’ve had a lot of people order that. I like a grungy look with spikes and chains. I started putting spikes on my shoes and it stops people from messing with you. A lot of times we go to Deep Ellum and people talk shit, don’t let us in [clubs or bars] and start shit. I spike my shoes for protection and nobody messes with us. I’ve had a lot of queer people reach out for me to spike their shoes too!
CC: Talk to me about the crossroads of being queer and rappers and in Texas, especially in a city that has seen it’s queer and trans population under attack.
D: There’s not a spot for us sometimes. Sometimes we feel like we’re not gay enough for the gay scene and not straight enough for the straight scene. We’re making a spot for our own people.
Y: It is scary sometimes going to Deep Ellum or Springs. We have to do it to make a change for the LGBTQ community. I’m willing to stand up for myself and Davida is too. I’m always telling him, be aware of your surroundings. Don’t over drink. Don’t accept smokes. Look around. Stand up for yourself. Look out for yourself. HAVE NO FEAR.
We gotta show people not to have fear. People can sense your fear and then they want to fuck with you, but nah, not us.
CC: Tell me about Mulisha? How was it finding a producer?
D & Y both laugh as if exasperated.
D: He does all our mixing and mastering. Mulisha is a great friend and he’s been with us since day one.
Y: Man, we messaged dozens of producers and nobody would work with us. They all told us they couldn’t put their name behind us or they’d be ostracized. Some asked for double the money. Shit like that.
CC: Tell me about y’alls name and why the first three letters are capitalized.
D: Fag, faggy, faggot; they’ve been used against us as a negative for so long. We’re making it into something better.
CC: Like black people retaking the n-word?
Y: Yes. It’s something we use to uplift us. A lot of gays are also called crazy or psycho so we combined psychedelic with fag to bring us power.
If you’re scrolling through a list of rappers and see FAGedelics, it’s gonna stand out. A lot of people stop fucking with us when they find out we’re really gay. They’d prefer it as a joke or if we’re clout chasing. We aren’t clout chasers, we really like men.
D: (laughs) We really suck dick!
DavidaV and Yhen in his signature hat.
CC: I saw y’all on the bill for Tay Money’s birthday. How did y’all link up?
Y: That’s our mom! We love her.
D: We picked her up from the airport Tuesday.
Y: We saw her open for Lil Debbie. I had been following her since she was only an IG model and when I saw she had a show I was like, “Davida she won’t follow me back but you gotta come see this girl.” We introduced ourselves after the show and she was super sweet! She said she loved us, exchanged info and wanted to meet for dinner. She’s just the best.
D: She wanted a house to pull up to so we dropped her the address (laughs)
Y: I just started making clothes for her! I hope she likes em.
CC: Tell me about y’alls upcoming single.
D: It’s out August 25! It’s called LAYLAM: Look at You, Look at Me.
Y: It’s inspired by this show, Pose, an LGTBQ show we love. You gotta check it out!
D: Also inspired by this amazing designer Ayeohtee. He makes custom pieces. He and Yhen are working on a collab actually.
Y: Soon! But the song is like look at me, I’m being myself. Look at you, you’re miserable and scared to be yourself. We have power.
Check out FAGedelics new single, L.A.Y/L.A.M and whoever you are, be yourself.