musical matrimony 001


Genesis started more than they knew. A riff from this 1973 UK classic inspired a soul-ified 1998 rendition inside of a Southern ‘smokin' word’ track from The Mighty O.

Dancing with the Moonlit Knight - New Stereo Mix, a song by Genesis on Spotify


Night Cap celebrated the release of their new single Friday, playing a sold out show at The Parish with Dayglow and Big Wy’s Brass Band. Both opening acts electrified the packed audience before Night Cap took over, controlling the crowd with tastes from their catalogue before bringing down the house with their brand new track, Cheap Thrills.

Night Cap (shot x Alex Parker)

Night Cap (shot x Alex Parker)

P.S. The guys brought Wy and his brass boys on stage for a room-melting, ten-plus minute cover of OutKast’s SpottieOttieDopalicious. Bassist Alex Alfonso (pictured above) did something dirty to the bass line. It was dope. Check out the new single below!

Cheap Thrills, a song by Night Cap on Spotify


see old @ 1:20.

SpottieOttieDopaliscious, a song by OutKast on Spotify


Tuesday’s just as bad.

Call It Stormy Monday, a song by Albert King, Stevie Ray Vaughan on Spotify