Bad Feeling: A Rude Single From the Polite Animals on TV
New Music, EventJulia StrellerAnimals on TV, AoTV, Bad Feeling, Rohtos, Gabe Posada, Rob Hogan, Andrew Davis, Haden Hunt, Ben Baron, A, Bobby Banas, Nané, Night Cap, The Parish, Punk, Circus Punk
"We're Coming for Boring Bands' Throats" : Meet Animals on TV
New Artist, New MusicJulia StrellerAnimals on TV, Scratch House, The Parish, Nane, Nightcap, Nightcapatx, Kitty Coen, Rob Hogan, Ben Baron, Haden Hunt, Andrew Davis, Gabe Posada
Hey Cowboy! Last Call at Hard Luck
Duncan Fellows: American Citizens. Good Band. Bad Bowlers.
Methyl Ethyl at Stubbs Indoor
Nervous : Sam Franklin
The CAPYAC Slap-Pack: A dream? Heaven? You were there! And you were there too!
Music, EventRob HoganCapyac, Disco, Funk, Historic Scoot Inn, c3 Concerts, Escapist Music Experiences, Mario in Love, The One Dream, Witnessing the Pig, Angel Circus, Rob Hogan, Austin Johnson